Friday, February 9, 2007


Well let's see, it is once again Friday, the end of the weeks, and I guess that's a good thing and all. Umm....well...uhhh.. I had a pretty standard week, nothing out of the ordinary went down, all the usual stuff. I have however come to the conclusion, that if i was about 4 or 5 inches taller, and about 60-70 pounds heavier I would definitely be a bouncer at a bar. For two reasons, 1.) They get to decide who gets into the bar, which is an extremely important job, you know, to keep the riff raf out. 2.) They get to mark peoples hands, now I know that doesn't sound that great, but I think it's personally hilarious. I have woken up the next morning and have had the weirdest symbols on my hand. For example, when i awoke from my sleep, that felt like a coma, i sign the marking on my hand that reminded me I went to the bar the previous evening. It kinda looks like a cross between a rooster and unicorn, I'm not too sure what it's actually suppose to be, but it looks like it took some artistic talent. So, if i was the guy at the door drawing things, I think I would draw some pretty elaborate shit with that marker. Maybe put the Mona Lisa on a hand, or my own rendition of a Picasso. After about the fifth person that walks in the bar though, I would probably just start drawing penis' on every ones hand, and find it hilarious even after I'd been doing it for hours.

To go off on a different tangent, I think those shirts that show like your skeletal system on them, are completely moronic. I saw some girl trying to be really fashionable and anti-establishment with bright pink hair, and one of those shirts on, and thought...."wow she looks ridiculous", but i mean to each her own I guess, it's just not my thing I suppose


Aimee said...

yea that would be funny to draw stuff on peoples hands...although its sooo cold u think u'd be able to stand out there in the freezing cold for that many hours?? i would definately need like 20 layers, lol. anyways that girl is ridiculous for wearing that... i mean tell me, where do you even buy such a shirt? thats just odd.

Linds said...

My cousin actually pretended to be a bouncer at one of the bars I was going to in the beginning of last semester. He knew some of the guys and they let them mark everyone in. I have problems with getting ink off my hands so i always have them stamp me on my wrist. He thought it was funny to take a red marker and write "cut me" on my wrist. I seriously thought everyone would think i was a psycho or something!

oh. I know exactly the girl you're talking about. She lives in my dorm.

Amy said...

yeah, it's the worst when you fall asleep and wake up with the weird drawing on your hand.... on your face. yep, that has happened to me plenty of times before. i think i need to stop sleeping with my hands so close to my face. i always laugh. i think i would probably die in laughter if i woke up with a penis mark on my face. lol. that's just great. good ideas. i think you should try to implement it.

Brittney said...

haha! justin you always make fun of me for working at a bar, but i love it! being a bouncer is cool and all but i would much rather keep my job as a promoter.. and the whole drawing on the hand thing.. eh you just have do it if fast so you cant draw elaborate things on peoples hand silly...