Thursday, March 1, 2007

Vacation I am really excited that we have an entire week off now. Anyone have any big plans for their spring break? I personally don't have much planned. I kinda like that though, I mean I like sitting around my house doing nothing for a little while, it seems like I'm never there anymore, so it's kinda cool just to bum around there for a bit. Its kinda weird tho, this is the first semester I haven't had to do a bunch of reading over my spring break, considering that this is my only english class this semester, so I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. I was just thinking about buying some new books for the vacation, any suggestions out there? Last semester I took an english class in which we read "Oranges are not the only fruit" by Jeannette Winterson. I really liked it, so I read a couple more books by her, and she really is an amazing author. If anyone gets some free time you should really read "The Passion" it's one of my new favorite books, I read the whole book the day I bought it, it was very hard to put down. I would also really like to go to a concert of some sort while I am home, but the music scene from my area, is umm, pretty dead. I live directly between Syracuse and Utica, and let me tell you, it is very rare for a band that I even remotely like to come tour around me. I usually have to drive a couple hours to go see a band, which is kind of a pain in the ass. I wish I was from a more populated area and could go to alot of shows whenever I wanted. Three of my suitemates are from right outside Hartford, and they would just go see shows all the times, because the bands we like are always going there, so yeah, I envy them. Anywho, I hope everyone has a good break, and that no one has to do too much work, because thats just lame.


Linds said...

My week has been pretty chill. I have just been doing some work for my aunt here and there to get a little money for school because damn drinks can get expensive! ha ha. I live 25 minutes from Albany so anything that comes to Albany or downtown clubs with bands I usually hear about and go to. Its fun. I like going to the Garden for concerts. its amazing! I hope you have fun with the last few days of break.

SquishyBananas said...

I didn't do anything crazy, just relaxed all week which was perfect!!

Amy said...

you should check out some books by john irvin or tom robbins. crazy, crazy stuff, i love it.