Sunday, March 25, 2007

Baseball Season + March Madness

So, is anyone else excited that baseball season is starting soon. Baseball is really the only sport that i follow closely. I am a huge Mets fan, and am hoping they have another really good year this year, which with the team they have is entirely possible. I'm not really a big fan of the Yankees, neither do I like the Red Sox. When they play however, they are always fun games to watch, and I guess if I had to pick one of the two, I do like the Yankees more, just not by alot.

Is anyone elses March madness bracket going down the shitter? I still do have 3 of my final 4 in, but I had Louisville in the final four, and of course they lost in the second round. I never liked Texas A&M, and with them beating Louisville, it just made it all worse. So, now the only way I can win my pool is if i get all the rest of my picks right. Which includes Georgetown beating UCLA in the championship game. So, all is not lost yet, but I hope everything goes through as follows.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Vacation I am really excited that we have an entire week off now. Anyone have any big plans for their spring break? I personally don't have much planned. I kinda like that though, I mean I like sitting around my house doing nothing for a little while, it seems like I'm never there anymore, so it's kinda cool just to bum around there for a bit. Its kinda weird tho, this is the first semester I haven't had to do a bunch of reading over my spring break, considering that this is my only english class this semester, so I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. I was just thinking about buying some new books for the vacation, any suggestions out there? Last semester I took an english class in which we read "Oranges are not the only fruit" by Jeannette Winterson. I really liked it, so I read a couple more books by her, and she really is an amazing author. If anyone gets some free time you should really read "The Passion" it's one of my new favorite books, I read the whole book the day I bought it, it was very hard to put down. I would also really like to go to a concert of some sort while I am home, but the music scene from my area, is umm, pretty dead. I live directly between Syracuse and Utica, and let me tell you, it is very rare for a band that I even remotely like to come tour around me. I usually have to drive a couple hours to go see a band, which is kind of a pain in the ass. I wish I was from a more populated area and could go to alot of shows whenever I wanted. Three of my suitemates are from right outside Hartford, and they would just go see shows all the times, because the bands we like are always going there, so yeah, I envy them. Anywho, I hope everyone has a good break, and that no one has to do too much work, because thats just lame.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Poetry thing

I really do not like this whole poetry thing, so i mean at least i'm trying right.

Hold it all together
Keep your mind focused
Just one more point
One bounce...Two bounces...Three
Keep your eye on the ball
Just one more point
Make a straight toss
Hit it!
Just one more point
I hope it goes in
Go right by him
Just one more point
Swing and a miss
The point was mine

Umm the poem is all about hitting an ace in tennis, i dunno i had a lack of ideas for this, be kind please.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Coming up with Titles for these blog entries is a pain

Wow....did anyone see all this snow coming!? I know it caught me off guard, I kept hearing that it was coming, but I didn't believe anyone, because they have been saying we would get a ton of snow all winter, and yet to get any snow at all. So I was skeptical to say the least, but hey I guess I was wrong. I don't really mind the snow that much, I'm pretty indifferent to it, to be completely honest. The way I see it, if it is going to be really cold, it mine as well snow so we can get some cancelled classes, so I mean I was particularly happy with the fact that my usually insanely busy Wednesday was turned into me sleeping till 2 and playing snow football with the people in my hallway. Snow football, now that is just something I am not used to yet. Living in Arizona from about 1st grade till my freshman year in high school basically meant that I am still not really accustomed to this whole snowing thing. Not that I am not open to trying new things and all, because I am not close minded or anything. My friends found out that i had never been sledding before my junior year of high school, so they dragged me out of my house to go with them. Needless to say, I went on a giant hill (well by my standards anyways) and almost got hit by a car at the bottom. So, I haven't really had the desire to go sledding again, because staying alive is something I'm pretty fond of, and yeah I think sledding again might negatively effect the whole staying alive thing. Alright, well have fun in the snow everyone, I hope everyone enjoyed the cancelled classes, because honestly, it made my week.

Friday, February 9, 2007


Well let's see, it is once again Friday, the end of the weeks, and I guess that's a good thing and all. Umm....well...uhhh.. I had a pretty standard week, nothing out of the ordinary went down, all the usual stuff. I have however come to the conclusion, that if i was about 4 or 5 inches taller, and about 60-70 pounds heavier I would definitely be a bouncer at a bar. For two reasons, 1.) They get to decide who gets into the bar, which is an extremely important job, you know, to keep the riff raf out. 2.) They get to mark peoples hands, now I know that doesn't sound that great, but I think it's personally hilarious. I have woken up the next morning and have had the weirdest symbols on my hand. For example, when i awoke from my sleep, that felt like a coma, i sign the marking on my hand that reminded me I went to the bar the previous evening. It kinda looks like a cross between a rooster and unicorn, I'm not too sure what it's actually suppose to be, but it looks like it took some artistic talent. So, if i was the guy at the door drawing things, I think I would draw some pretty elaborate shit with that marker. Maybe put the Mona Lisa on a hand, or my own rendition of a Picasso. After about the fifth person that walks in the bar though, I would probably just start drawing penis' on every ones hand, and find it hilarious even after I'd been doing it for hours.

To go off on a different tangent, I think those shirts that show like your skeletal system on them, are completely moronic. I saw some girl trying to be really fashionable and anti-establishment with bright pink hair, and one of those shirts on, and thought...."wow she looks ridiculous", but i mean to each her own I guess, it's just not my thing I suppose

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Extremely Long Week

This week just seemed to drag on for forever for me. It feels like it should be thursday of the following week by now. I think it's because how much Albany is just so dead in the winter, at least in my opinion. When it's warmer out there are so many more things to do, and it just seems like the campus is alot more bustling, as well as the rest of the city. I've found myself just sitting in my room being bored for more time than ever in the past couple days, its interesting. I did go to the movies the other day though. My roommate Matt and I went with some girls who live down the hall in our building to see "Smokin' Aces". The movie was great, it was kinda weird that one of the leading roles was played by the guy who starred in Van Wilder, just because its hard for me to picture him in a serious role after that movie. However, the highlight of my week, in terms of the media was watching the office tonight. That show is just so hilarious, Steve Carrell might be one of the funniest actors of our generation, if not the funniest. The whole show is just so awkwardly funny, every person who works in the office is just put in these weird situations every week, and its just so incredibly awkward that you just wanna look away, but at the same time you cannot help but laugh. I think I'm going to go buy my tickets to Taking back Sunday, and Underoath at the Armory tonight or soon. I am pretty excited to go to that show, I have not been to a concert in forever, not since Bamboozle last year. Which was amazing by the way. Bamboozle is alot like the Warped Tour for anyone who doesn't know, and I saw at least a dozen of my favorite bands in one day, and there was just no words to describe it, the crowds were all amazing, and everyone was just having a great time. My highlight of the trip, was getting elbowed in the head, by some monster guy. He was trying to get a free Starting line Cd or something, and he felt the need to elbow me in the head to try and get it before i did. The whole thing that really sucks about it, is the cd just kinda hit me, i didnt want it, i was just walking by that Merch Table en route to get to the Zox merch table. Zox is a Ska band from Rhode Island. I've been a fan for awhile, but anyway, the guys from Zox saw me get hit in the head by that abnormally huge emo kid. So, the lead singer of the band was chatting me up about it, and we started talking about how much I liked the band, etc. etc. One thing lead to another, and they gave me their old cd i didn't have, and i got a couple of the guys in the band to sign it. I know them autographing it doesn't make it worth much in a dollar sense, but it's a cool story to tell i suppose. But, umm yeah, I guess i kind of got off on a tangent there, I think next time I need to think this thing out before i write it.

Friday, January 26, 2007

I'm a Music Snob

I have come to the conclusion recently, that I am completely snobby about the type of music I listen too. Not to say that the music I listen too is even all that great, or that I think everyone should listen to it, but I do as most people do, like my brand of music much better than other people's music. I really just shoot other people's music down without even giving it a chance most of the time, which is something I don't think is extremely necessary to listen to other peoples music, but I felt that maybe i should try a couple new things. So, I took some recommendations from my room mates and listened to some new things, that I wouldn't normally listen too. First off, my friend Kyle keeps raving about this band called "The Decemberists". A five member band that is the definition of indie rock, and uses there music to tell some obscure stories. The music is very slow and just laid back, and after a first listen to their CD "The Crane Wife" I was not too impressed, but it really did start to grow on me. Usually a band like this is way to slow to grab my attention, but this particular ensemble really did strike a chord with me, and I am a true fan now. The other record I listened to was from a recommendation by my other roommate Matt. We have both been fans of a hardcore band called "Alexisonfire", whose music is very heavy. So, when Matt informed me that the lead vocalist started his own side project entitled "City and Colour" I was pretty excited to hear it, until he then informed me that it was just Dallas Green (lead vocalist from Alexisonfire) just playing an acoustic guitar and playing a very mellow, emotional style of music. However, I still gave it a chance, and after a couple listens, I really fell into this C.D. Green does everything right in this side project, his vocals are spectacular, and he really bares his soul in his lyrics, and it is like you can really relate to and feel bad for all the things he is going through, it really is something special, and it is a shame that he has not gained more of a solid fan base for this particular project. So, I actually made myself try some new things and listen to some music that I would not normally listen too, and I actually thoroughly enjoyed myself, and through this I hope i can be more tolerable to other peoples preferred music that enjoy listening too.

For more Info on The Decemberists or City and Colour, I have included links to their websites